Thursday, September 22, 2011

Proverbs 1

What jewels of wisdom!
Proverbs is a wonderful book to go through "For gaining wisdom and instruction; for understanding words of insight; for receiving instruction in prudent behavior, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to those who are simple, knowledge and discretion to the young" (Proverbs 1:2-4) What I love about this verse is that, to God especially, we are ALL YOUNG, we can all have more knowledge (and frankly, many of us crave that knowledge) and use more discretion! Thank you, Lord, for wisdom!

The first thing that was pointed out to me is that knowledge and wisdom are two really different things. You can have much knowledge, continue to gain knowledge and be completely self-taught but without wisdom. Knowledge is something you work for and is gained by circumstances or books, the theoretical, practical understanding of a subject.. Wisdom is something that you gain from God, from the insight that you are given about what is true, right and just. You can be knowledgeable or "smart" and have no wisdom. You, however, cannot be wise and have no knowledge because the wisdom is given WITH knowledge. 

Proverbs 1 really makes me feel like this is (and I fully believe it should be) a parents legacy. You can tell by reading it that Solomon is trying (if not desperately) to reach his children about the most important things to him. It's for ALL people, not for just a few in the "old days," everywhere and in any time. There is nothing that I have read so far that is "anti" anything, except foolishness and sin. If you want to obtain the closest relationship to the Lord by way of prayer and meditation, fasting, forgiveness, obedience and surrender then Proverbs may be the right book to read right now! This particular chapter is one of warning. Parents be careful what you teach because your children will follow (and we all know the best way to teach is by example, Prov. 1:8-9) and to be careful of sinful seduction (anything that will pull you away from God, Prov 1:10-19.) Wisdom is readily available for all people, you don't have to be a scholar. Proverbs 1:20-21 wisdom is calling out for everyone. To those who want to find her, she is there calling. Following up with repentance and turning from sin. You cannot be wise and willingly follow sin! If you repent wisdom will "make [her] teachings known to you" (Prov 1:23b) If you turn from wisdom, choose to take another path, then wisdom will leave you unprepared. You will eventually get to see what the consequences of choosing not to be wise in your life. Can you see the contrast of a false security over the lasting peace of God?

In this day and age, we don't need to have wisdom. It is so much easier to look for the answer that suits us, find people who believe as we do and have our lives and fellowship with them. If we look at Acts 27:13, they felt they had the "go ahead" because they got a little head wind. Wisdom would have been what Paul said to them "You should not have sailed from Crete as I had said" (Acts 27:22) Wisdom is knowing the RIGHT answer not the best one for the moment!

Father, THANK YOU and PRAISE YOU for the direction and the wisdom You have given to the people in my life that I get to glean wisdom from. I pray that more would seek You, want to know You and most importantly, Lord, that they would want to have a little of Your wisdom. Thank you for Your Son always and for the death He suffered for all of us. AMEN

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