Thursday, January 13, 2011

New To This

I am completely new to blogging. I have been wanting to start one for quit a while now (my sister-in-law has one) to really voice what I am learning about walking in complete faith in Jesus. Some of this will be about my daily devotional time, meditation, how I am reaching out and who is reaching out to me. I want feedback. Criticism is welcomed. I am not afraid of being called crazy or radical or any other "negative" Christian name. I only have to answer to one :) 

The reason I picked today to start: I cried in my car today. I thought about what Christ has done for me, for my life, for my heart. To explain to someone what has happened to my heart in the last year is nothing short of a miracle. Love. I can give you a million words to describe that feeling but unless you have experienced it, you won't understand. Someone said "To a believer, no explanation is necessary. To someone who doesn't believe, none will be enough." This has not been more true in my life than lately.

For me right now, no one can persuade me into believing that Jesus didn't die for me or that God hasn't loved me forever. He loves me. I know these things. They are ingrained in me. 

I titled this blog, He is my vine because He is. Without Him, nothing I do is fulfilling. I can do no real good in the world. I am only who I am because of my Lord.

God, thank you for loving me, for changing the way I think, for opening my eyes to You and Your undying and unconditional love. I know I have sinned against you, Lord, have done things I would rather forget. Without Your son Jesus I would be forever condemned and I am so grateful that You gave Him to save my life. Everything I do and am is for You. In your mighty name, Amen.

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