Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fear of God

We have been having a discussion on our small group blog about fear of God. Is it a terrified fear? A "dad can punish me" fear? The standard answer is a reverant fear. What is that? What does it look like?

As a believer, we need to have a healthy concept of who God is, what He stands for and what He means for us. Fearing Him is, I believe, a reverantial trust AND knowing that He is the controller of all things. My friend posted this:

Norman Geisler is a well respected theologian and prolific writer on Biblical issues.  In his book "When Critics Ask: A Popular Handbook of Bible Difficulties" he addresses the question: "If love casts out all fear, why are we told to fear God?"
Here is his answer:
1 John 4:18—If love casts out all fear, why are we told to fear God?
Problem: John affirms here that “perfect love casts out all fear.” Yet we are told that the “fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Prov. 1:7) and that we should “serve the Lord with fear” (Ps. 2:11). Indeed, Paul said, “knowing … the terror [fear] of the Lord, we persuade men” (2 Cor. 5:11).
Solution: Fear is being used in different senses. Fear in the good sense is a reverential trust in God. In the bad sense it is a sense of recoiling torment in the face of God. While proper fear brings a healthy respect for God, unwholesome fear engenders an unhealthy sense that He is out to get us. Perfect love casts out this kind of “torment.” When one properly understands that “God is love” (1 John 4:16), he can no longer fear Him in this unhealthy sense. For “he who fears has not been made perfect in love” (1 John 4:18). Nonetheless, at no time does proper love for God ever show disrespect for Him. Rather, it is perfectly compatible with a reverential awe for Him, which is what the Bible means by “fearing God” in the good sense (cf. 2 Cor. 7:1; 1 Peter 2:17).

I think that most commonly I tend to think of Him as My Father. A dad. He always has my best intentions and always wants the best to happen. As a defiant (fallen and sinful) child, I need constant reminders of who He is, especially if I am choosing to do it my way instead of using the stones He has laid before me. For me, the reverential fear is a respect and, truly, fearful terror. I know that sounds repetative but I am terrified of God. Because of my sinful nature, what would happen to me if I were face to face with the One Who Created me? Even the best are His worst without Jesus.

Gratefully, I have Jesus standing before me.  Like the big brother who stood up for you so you wouldn't get in trouble, He is vouching for me. I can be afraid and be joyous in that fear. I know God's mighty power and because I know His power I know and understand how much I really need Jesus to stand in front for me to stay God's wrath. I can be full of love knowing that He sent His son to die for me so that I may stand with Him one day and not have to be afraid anymore. My fear is out of respect and knowledge of who He is.

Still need to learn more...
I love God....
God bless :)

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