Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Lord is AMAZING!

Well, DUH! As if we didn't already know that right? It is so awesome (and therefore, so much like our God) to use things that we are doing, things we have done and things we were obedient to listening to or following to His Glory.

The Lord called me to facilitate a bible study at the Yamhill County Gospel Rescue Mission last year. After our mission trip to Guatemala, I stopped. Many things came up and, honestly, I just didn't want to do it any more. I was too tired to obey. Then I get a call a few months back asking if I could come back. "Sure" and I started again but this time was obviously different. I started by praying that the Holy Spirit would take over. Guess what? HE DID! If you live in the area, you can drop in and see how studying the Word can change lives! I have a new passion for my bible, bible study and just talking about the Word of God. Today, I was talking to my team leader for my upcoming Russia mission trip (see here) about what we are going to be doing. A big part of this is facilitating discussions for "home churches" (bible studies focused directly on the bible and what we read) and how to open up dialog with open questions to everyone, whether a believer or not! How COOL is that?! What I have been doing at the mission, empowered by God and (most of the time...though not always) lead by the Spirit, is exactly what we are doing in Russia with Best Life Fellowships!

He is always faithful to answer the prayers of those who follow Him. Whether or not we are listening because the answer may not be what we want to hear, is up to us. He asks us to be radical in our obedience. This is not beyond us. The Holy Spirit is there to enable us to go further than we believe or sometimes want to believe. Let Him guide you and your steps will be sure.

Father God, You are amazing! You are wonderful and forever I will sing your praises! I doubt what you want me to do sometimes. Help me with that. Give me Your Spirit so that my faith and my devotion are unwavering for You. Thank you for teaching me how to teach others. Please Lord keep using me for Your Good! Even if I don't "like" it sometimes because Your Good is so much better than my great!

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