Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Another Russia Update


Praise the Lord!!! I am so very grateful for all of the donations, work efforts and praying gone into this trip!

As of Right this morning I am FULLY FUNDED!

Praise Him for all of His provision for this trip! LORD, Amen and ALL the GLORY to YOU!

I am still trying to learn Russian, at least a little before I leave but what a difficult language to learn! Prayers for at least a some retention would be very much appreciated! I know we have translators and that is wonderful but I would like to be able to tell my story to one person while I am there...

Plus, I am pretty sure I will be returning to Russia. Some time. My heart is moving already for a 2014 trip. :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012


$3951! I am $1049 away from being fully funded for this trip! I am so excited, appreciative and nervous for this trip. It is something very new for me to share with people, adults, my experiences since I have given my life to Christ and am dedicating my life to God's Will. I'm so grateful to the people who have helped to send me to Russia. From as little as $10 (which is a lot of money to a lot of people in this economy) this trip is being made possible and I am SO thankful to the people who have listened to God's prompting for this trip. I am also very thankful to the people that have helped out in other ways like helping with Grace while I am out of town, whether is be to house sit, work or even on the trip itself! I am 20 days away from the deadline for the financing for this trip. that's $52.45 a day if I can raise a little each day. This may be a little more difficult done than said since I will be in Washington for the next 13 days. If you have a desire to give, click here and help me raise that $52 each day...even if you can "only" do $10 or even $5! You'd be surprised how every little bit adds up! 

The next 13 days are very crucial to me spiritually. I will be spending most of it praying, studying, meditating and trying to prepare myself for this trip. I will be alone for most of the time (visiting a little while I am in my old hometown) just trying to get closer to God and trying to figure out His desire for me during this trip, what He wants me to share and how to best give Him glory for the way He has changed my life. Some of you know my history, even a little, and its very easy to slip into how I DID IT, how I changed myself instead of what an amazing transformation God has done in me. It is HIS change in me, not by my own power but by the power of an amazing God that has never forgotten about me. 

If you want to keep following what we need prayer for in Russia, there is an open group Prayer for Russia on Facebook. I will be posting a list of personal prayer needs regularly for my prayer warrior friends out there :) Here is a short list now:

Dedication to God would be first and foremost

Prayer would be consistent

STUDY, STUDY , STUDY~ You can't share the Truth if you don't KNOW the Truth


Peace for my family and ease in the transition from me being here full time~They are fully supporting this decision and are just as excited but it does throw a few things off :)

Thank you in advance! Praise to God and His Glory be shown! I am looking forward to the miracles to be seen in Russia and HERE for the love and dedication of the e3 team that is being sent! 

Lord, Thank You for this opportunity! We are grateful to be answering this call and prayer for more people to enter the mission field. As long as one person has not heard the gospel once, people show be considering it a personal mission to share Your message! I pray that we~~ as parents, teachers, missionaries and pastors~~ would be raising up a generation of children ready to take up the call to share the gospel to EVERYONE in the world! Praise you Lord! Your Glory Reign Forever and Ever!